about me

First of all, I have to thank my family for making it possible to design this page. It was getting a Simple Minds fansite. My entusiasm was supported by the Simple Minds Community. Please also sign into my guestbook or use my contactform to contact me. I hope you enjoy the "Book of Brilliant Things".

AlexG ©

about me,
the Minds & the community

Well - simpleminds.com is now my second home for some years now, as you may see in my profile. So many of you know me since that time, some others doesnt now me well.

ok - where to start now? If guess, the best, I'll start in, where I'm coming from. I was born in Wiesbaden/ germany in 1969. So may homeplace is the rhine-main region. I was getting a Simple Minds fan in 1988, while they played at the "Nelson Mandela Birthday Tribute" in Webley/London, which was broadcasted worldwide. I heared about the Minds some time before, when "Dont you" and "A&K" was in the Top10 in germany. But at that time, the Minds didnt turned me on.

I wanted to visit one of their concerts, but when hearing about one, it was over - sometimes just one week. For the youngsters of you - Internet wasnt as public as it is now.... LOL The first concert, I have seen them live was Sept 1st, 1991 a Loreley. It was during the "Real Life tour". I'll never forget that day! The sun was heavyly shining from a blue sky. I was walking from St. Goar up to the Loreley. OMD was playing as special guest. And the sunset was indescribable. During that concert, I simply got hypnotised because of the songs and the athmosphere around. It all fixed together!
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